Article by Gary Shipway
Former chief minister Adam Giles with Gina Rinehart in the US to attend the January 20 inauguration of Donald Trump.

Former Northern Territory chief minister Adam Giles has attended the inauguration of US President Donald Trump and voiced his support for the new president’s plans for the US.
Mr Giles, who is Hancock Agriculture’s chief executive of Agriculture, Food & Fibre, is in the US along with his boss Gina Rinehart and a group of her other top executives.
Mr Giles said Ms Rinehart and her executives attended the inauguration to support the new Trump administration as he and the Republicans seek to implement their policies to increase investment and economic development.
Mr Giles said Australia had much to learn from the policies, which aimed to create more jobs and better living conditions for Americans by reducing government regulation, lowering taxes and creating an environment
conducive to attracting foreign investment.
“These policies are what Australia needs,” Mr Giles said.
“Instead, we get more red tape, the world’s highest electricity prices, ever-increasing taxes and an economic environment where government frowns upon business and free enter-prise. Such socialist policies hold Australians back.
“It sends investment over-seas, cuts our disposable in-come, reduces our living standards, places greater pressure on families, and ultimately impacts community breakdowns and we see this through increasing crime in towns and streets right around our country. Something that is getting worse and worse. We need a change of direction in Australia. Maybe we can learn something from the US and set our country back on track.”